“Poverty is Real” Featured in Documentary
Atlanta-based Americana folk artist, Mike Killeen’s title track Poverty is Real, is featured with those from Patti Smith and Ziggy Marley in this introspective and fascinating view of philanthropy in the United States. Director Salvatore Alaimo interviews citizens, volunteers, and non-profit leaders to uncover the lack of knowledge of what philanthropy is in our communities, and how anyone can be involved.

An introduction to the video can be seen on YouTube at “What is Philanthropy?” documentary trailer.
The film has been touring the United States, accompanied by the director. A free screening of the film is followed by a panel discussion, hosted by the United Way of Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia, November 3rd, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Loudermilk Center.
CDs of the album Poverty is Real are available at the Saturn 5 Store, Amazon.com with digital downloads at iTunes and streaming on Spotify.